Friday, July 24, 2009



Hearing that 2.4 million pieces of plastic are dumped into all the world's oceans each HOUR sounds horrible. But SEEING exactly how many pieces of plastic 2.4 million is, well, how do you feel?

Here, we begin with a zoomed in image of a portrait done by Chris Jordan - my favorite artist now (as you'll see, he's done a lot of work to demonstrate to us exactly what these numbers look like in reality, from all sorts of social and environmental issues). Notice the black comb, and the toothbrush, so you can get the idea as we zoom

back and get a good look at the whole picture.

Zoomed back a little more...


and a little more...

And THIS is 2.4 million pieces of plastic. (Every piece was, in fact, taken from the Pacific Ocean.)

EVERY HOUR, this is what we humans do. And this is to the oceans only, and doesn't include the amount of plastic we dump into landfills and on the sides of the road. And, this is only plastic, not oil or chemicals or any of the other types of pollution the oceans receive from us, the keepers, the caretakers, of the earth. And remember, this is not biodegradable - it'll be there forever.
The photos above are from his current project, Running the Numbers II, Portraits of Global Mass Culture. It's my understanding this is a work still in progress. You'll find this and 2 others on this section of his site, unless he's added more since I wrote this. Understandably, each portrait is a huge undertaking, so it takes a lot of time to finish one.
Chris has other projects on the site as well. Running the Numbers, An American Self Portrait, obviously, shows us images of America, whereas part II goes global. You'll also find on his site Intolerable Beauty, Portraits of American Mass Consumerism, and In Katrina's
Wake, Portraits of Loss From An Unnatural Disaster.

.................this is the address to his website, where you can see more of these, and other photos. But I wanna show you 1 more here:

Each one of these collars used to make this portrait represents one dog or cat. There are 10,000 of them - the number of unwanted dogs and cats euthanized in the United States each DAY. (Nevermind all the unwanted strays running around - when there isn't enough food and land for the wild animals in our country - barely getting by, no medical attention, starving, etc. (BTW maybe this is a good time to remind everyone to spay or neuter their pets to prevent this very thing.)

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