But, it IS Malia, the President of the United States of America's daughter (and, sadly relevant, its the first black First Daughter - which I abhor having to mention at all, since its just skin. But this is central to the issue so I gotta say it. A tan or pale person, one with blue or green eyes, blond or red hair, etc - that is nothing, and neither should skin color, ever, in any situation, and I truly think most of the world doesn't pay much or any attention to such things. But those that do certainly do it loudly and often, so we see them and it gives the impression that racism in the world is worse than it actually is. That is what I believe, what I want to believe, and if anyone has proof to the contrary please don't tell me - let me keep my illusions.
Now, most of the people trash talking this little girl for wearing a shirt with a peace sign are trashing her for political reasons, but unbelievably, some of them are making racial comments - which has NOTHING to do with the peace sign or anything else that was going on.
{A little background info on the peace sign, so those who don't know its exact history can see what a hateful and evil symbol it is, thus understand the negative reaction it has provoked against this child:
The peace symbol was part of the British nuclear disarmament movement, designed by Gerald Holtom in 1958, for a relatively small group - considering how far the symbol spread and how long its been in use - named the Direct Action Committee Against Nuclear War. Its a very literal sign, combining the semaphoric symbols for the letters N and D - Nuclear Disarmament. Semaphoric letters are those you've likely seen somewhere in your life which are a code made with handheld flags, usually used on ships at sea to communicate with each other [before radio].
So, what's the fuss? Beats me. Its just part of the massive idiocracy in this world. But even idiots should know better than to treat children this way.
For anyone who has no idea of what I'm talking about, the link included is a Google search page that lists many many articles and such about this matter, from all different angles, political leanings, etc. I didn't check any of 'em out first - it is a Google search so there's everything there. Use them, or not, as you will. I don't wanna write a blog on the story again, as it has been fully covered, extremely covered even. My purpose here is to speak about Malia, the people who said these things about her, whether and or why she should or shouldn't have worn the shirt, and so forth.
For anyone who has no idea of what I'm talking about, the link included is a Google search page that lists many many articles and such about this matter, from all different angles, political leanings, etc. I didn't check any of 'em out first - it is a Google search so there's everything there. Use them, or not, as you will. I don't wanna write a blog on the story again, as it has been fully covered, extremely covered even. My purpose here is to speak about Malia, the people who said these things about her, whether and or why she should or shouldn't have worn the shirt, and so forth.
"Let us develop the resources of our land, build up is institutions, promote all its great interests, and see whether we also, in our day and generation, may not perform something worthy to be remembered." - Daniel Webster {Jan 18 1782 - Oct 24 1852}
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