Monday, July 20, 2009

POLITICS 1.COM : As Good A Place As Any To Begin

Here I have copied directly the Directory for the Politics 1 website. It was the easiest and best way I could see to demonstrate to you what this website is and what info you can find there: DIRECTORY: Home | The Presidency | P2012 Race | State/Federal Candidates | Political Parties
Calendar | Campaign Products & Services | Issues | News Blog | News Links
FAQ | View from Abroad | Our Awards | Advertise
| About Us | Email Us|

As you can see above, this site is about State as well as Federal government and politics.

Politics 1 lists itself as "the Ultimate Guide to U.S. Politics and Elections...since 1997. There you'll find very useful info, including news updates, short bios and contact links for current government officials, right up to the president, and related links for each. They have links to such useful places as the White House and the National Archives. The resources they list are organized very well, and should be very useful. You should certainly find all you need and more. Of course there are articles to explain, well, all things political. So far - and I am nowhere near 1/4 the way through the site, as its just too big to do thoroughly in any short amount of time - I haven't really come across any opinion pieces. They may have them there, but if so, its still mostly just information and facts - many of which all Americans really should know. And if I make it sound boring, its not. Well, some things are, but there is also a lot of interesting information here as well.


And in case you don't wanna read the entire site, or at least not right now, at the end of this blog is the link that brought me to this site in the first place, and is the main idea of this blog. Here, the site has a nice, comprehensive listing of ALL the United States political parties. For each party, they have included several links to the major, important websites, including the official party site of each. And, they have a short description of each party's platform, so you don't have to search through each link to find out - you may want to read through their info, and if you see anything that piques your interest, they have the links for you to learn more.
I believe this website, or this information, to be crucial to any American that wants to make the most of his or her vote; anyone who wants to really get involved, to truly have their own voices heard, and to educate themselves on the politics and major issues of this nation.
Most of us are only aware of the 2 main parties (Dems and Reps), and possibly 2 or 3 others. In fact, a fast scan and approximate count of this list shows between 40 and 50 political parties. This makes me believe that many of us who just choose between the (very limited) 2 main parties, or the 3 or 4 best-known, may find a party with more ideals and ideas in common with us than our current party (or lack of one - Tho I choose to remain anti-party system, and protest the entire idea of parties, tho I do understand how and why they formed and what their advantages are, so you don't need to comment and inform me, unless its something you just WANT to talk about - in that case, you're welcome to).
This link can also be found at the bottom of my blog, in my "Links" list. But I wanted to bring particular attention to it.

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Please share your opinions in a mature manner, and keep it clean. If you're angry, express it, but don't go off on a tangent and rage. If you disagree, do so respectfully, without personal assault on another commentor (or me - if you don't like me, don't read me). Rant against government reps/public figures if you wish, but keep it legitimate and relevant. No racial/sexual/religious etc etc slurs - ie no discrimination against a group in general (except, for example, Congress, big media, etc). Within respectable boundaries, I really do appreciate your comments and welcome differing points of view. The entire point is to see all sides, all our options, and try to wade through the deceptions and bullcrap in general, and decide for ourselves what is true so we are making informed and intelligent decisions.