Sunday, July 19, 2009

Quote on Liberty and Revolution, Sam Adams

Samuel Adams, signer of the Declaration of Independence, prominent leader of the American Revolution, did have (and still today does have) his detractors. He was declared a hero by some, while others went as far as to proclaim him Public Enemy #1. As you read this, there are some historians that would argue that he doesn't deserve to be esteemed and remembered as he is.
This is a subject I intended to explore here today, but I just got a phone call and don't have the time. But, I do want to go ahead and post a little something, for a couple of reasons: first, because I can't stand to leave something just hanging in cyber space like that, and because I will forget to come back and finish it, or forget exactly why I wanted to do this. In other words, I'm primed up for it now.
I came across a quote by Adams, and I liked it so much it inspired a blog post. Since I must run soon, and since it was the quote i liked so much in the first place, I'm just gonna copy the quote here, and encourage anyone with interest to do some research, and especially look up some more of his quotes. We certainly need inspiration in this nation today. Despite yours or my opinion about the tea parties, right or wrong, intelligent or misinformed, etc etc, surely we must, most of us, agree on one positive aspect: at least they did something. We've lost control of our country and of the people we elect to represent our wants, needs, and opinions on every level, from our cities and states to the federal government. While most of us sit on our collective rear ends mumbling and grumbling, these people were proactive, and that is wonderful. Hopefully its a trend that will continue, and we can have the voices of the PEOPLE heard again.
Well, I knew I'd do that - if anyone reads this much, you'll see I tend to go off in all directions, and do love to opine. Lucky for you I gotta go now, so here's the quote, and a couple of links to get you started if you wanna learn more:
"If you love wealth more than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, depart from us in peace. We ask not your counsel nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you. May your chains rest lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen."
-Samuel Adams, 1722-1803 ...Wikipedia's article on Adams ...a biography on Sam Adams at Colonial

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Please share your opinions in a mature manner, and keep it clean. If you're angry, express it, but don't go off on a tangent and rage. If you disagree, do so respectfully, without personal assault on another commentor (or me - if you don't like me, don't read me). Rant against government reps/public figures if you wish, but keep it legitimate and relevant. No racial/sexual/religious etc etc slurs - ie no discrimination against a group in general (except, for example, Congress, big media, etc). Within respectable boundaries, I really do appreciate your comments and welcome differing points of view. The entire point is to see all sides, all our options, and try to wade through the deceptions and bullcrap in general, and decide for ourselves what is true so we are making informed and intelligent decisions.