Monday, August 24, 2009


During these difficult economic times, we cannot afford another tax increase, especially one that won’t work.

The proposed national tax on soda and juice drinks will not teach children good nutrition habits or have a meaningful impact on public health, but will have a negative impact on American families struggling in this economy.

This is a regressive tax that would unnecessarily burden hard-working Americans. And it would do irreparable harm to an industry whose economic reach extends to every community in America, directly providing 220,000 good-paying jobs with health benefits and a direct economic impact of $136.4 Billion.

For these reasons, I reject the proposed tax on soda and juice drinks.

Let your lawmaker know that you say NO to the tax on soda and juice drinks:
Please, go to the above link and sign this petition. We're having too much trouble as it is without the addition of yet another tax. Especially, I think, since our elected representatives are not looking out for our interests until they think it will matter at the polls during election seasons. Instead, they are looking out only for their own interests, and when they can get kickbacks, big donations, etc, from big corporations and special interests groups - lobbyists who represent anything except the American people and the little guy's interests. We wouldn't need this tax for extra money for the deficit if they'd really cut out government waste in other places, too.
Despite all that extra, they wanna pass this food tax, and will if we don't let our representatives know we are watching, we are listening, we are thinking, and we won't tolerate more taxes that affect the middle and lower classes while those who can afford it run America. Well there I go again, but I'm not gonna start another rant. We just need to stop this and all other unfair taxes. Its our country, our representatives supposedly working for us (and we pay their salaries and all those extras they claim as part of the job, such as renting planes to fly the family to the Bahamas on a 2 week vacation in which they'll spend an hour or two talking to someone about official government business and send the tab to the American taxpayers). Geez I just can't help it. Go to the site for details, and sign the petition if you agree, and let everyone you know in on this so they can add their voices as well.

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