Friday, August 21, 2009

Political Action Groups and Journalists

Here are a few political action groups I came across and noted for one reason or another. I may not support the group or its causes, or perhaps only some of its views and causes, and in some cases I almost entirely support them. My point is to introduce them, because more than wanting to persuade people to think as I do, I'd rather persuade them to simply think. Search. Watch your government and what they do and hold them accountable. You may find one or more of these groups inspire you to join, talk, act, or just learn for yourself. Perhaps you'll decide to look up a few of your own, or to research a cause I didn't include here, which you wish to get involved in or learn more about. That is what I hope for anyhow. THE CENTER FOR PUBLIC INTEGRITY
is a nonprofit organization dedicated to producing original, responsible
INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALISM on issues of public concern. NON-PARTISIAN, non-advocacy. Committed to transparent and comprehensive reporting in the US and around the world.
The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists
Some of the current stories and investigations listed on the homepage include:
"ACCOUNTABILITY: Revisiting the Cheating of America", on a settlement that gives the IRS access to identities of very rich Americans holding secret accounts at the Swiss bank UBS [in order to prevent paying taxes on the money, as the rest of us pay taxes. They use the things the tax money pays for more than the average American - the CAN because they are rich and nothing holds them back, nothing prevents them vacationing or doing whatever they wish, etc. And they do anything and everything to assure that the middle class and those people struggling to get by week to week are the ones paying the taxes to buy all those things they enjoy as much as they want to. Makes me sick. I'm delighted about this and completely on the IRS's side, for once. Odd thing, that.
ALSO: "Defense: Courage Needed to Reform Defense Procurement"
"Tally of Interests {as in big businesses and such with special interests lobbying Congress} on Climate Bill Tops 1,000 {as in over 1000 special interest groups sending lobbyists to be sure the bill benefits them, and not us, and not the world nor the planet}
"Builders Fight Proposed Home Sprinkler Requirement" {as in all homes would be required to install a sprinkler system}
GET THIS ONE IF YOU REALLY WANNA GET MAD: HUD {which is the taxpayer -funded Department of Housing and Urban Development, which pays rent for or builds houses and gives them to poor ppl who qualify - a very small percentage all things considered, but still a lotta money involved here = there are a lot of poor ppl} "HUD SUBSIDIZED AN ESTIMATED 2,094 TO 3,046 HOUSEHOLDS THAT INCLUDED LIFETIME REGISTERED SEX OFFENDERS"
There's also a story on UNDETECTED FEDERAL LENDING VIOLATIONS, due to limited data available
" WINDFALLS OF WAR" in 2 parts, tells how the Iraq war financially benefitted a chosen few, and GREATLY.
and much much more. I highly recommend this site, and truly believe it is what it says it is: not involved in any political party - not conservative, not liberal, not democratic or republican and so on - it truly investigates and reports the truth regardless of political party, prestige, position, etc.

The Progressive PulseIdea of the Day: Retire Old, Dirty Power Plants
The Center For American Progress This site addresses many issues, and I'm unsure of any main focus, if there is one. Some of the stories in their archives include such diverse subjects/titles as these:
"PERSEPOLIS" "FUTURE CHOICES: ASSISTED REPRODUCTIVE TECHNOLOGIES AND THE LAW" "WHENIT COES TO MEDICAL MARIJUANA, THE GOVERNMENT IS TRUMPING POLITICS OVER SCIENCE" "SENATE CONSERVATIVES VOTE TO KEEP U.S. HOOKED ON OIL" "40 REASONS TO REENGAGE "{ON AFGHANISTAN} "EDUCATION: SMALLER CLASS SIZE" "CHEMICAL ANTI-TERRORISM STANDARDS" "THROWING HOMEOWNERS A LIFELINE" "DIRECT LENDING FOR TROUBLED BORROWERS" "VIRUOUS CIRCLE: STRENGTHENING BROAD- BASED GLOBAL PROGRESS" and,, of course, many more, and subjects as diverse as those above. Looking at the site this looks more like a Liberal newsletter {MAYBE not all here are liberal, but it certainly seems to lean Democratic, and to the left of that mostly) than a political action group. I haven't spent much time looking at this one in particular, but you see the gist of it here, if you wanna visit them.

advocates for America's clean energy future. Here are some things I copied and pasted from the home page of their site at

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