Sunday, August 30, 2009


Got my 1st issue of Psychology Today - the Oct 09 issue - and boy do I like it. Shudda got this thang long ago.
I've been mentally preparing blogs from several of the articles I've read, but just found one I cannot wait to do.
Still stinging a year later over the Hillary/Obama thing and all the articles and stories, and opinions that didn't agree with mine and with which I couldn't argue back, etc - and lots of misconceptions on what the actual facts are. Not saying all my opinions are facts. But I am saying this: as much discrimination as there is or isn't in the world, the discrimination against women is still open and blatant, all over the world, oh oh oh I am not prepared to start my own opinion piece on this right now, at 5:40 a.m. So I'm gonna give you a fact, then the results of a poll I just found in Psychology Today:
While most of us (I hope) can agree every adult citizen of any nation deserves a say in the goings on in their country, it hasn't always been so (still isn't in many places now). BUT, who had it worse here? Who was most undervalued here in the USA? WOMEN. Which is the reason it stung me so bad to have my black sisters choose to vote race over sex when they were asked and they responded that they had planned to vote for Hillary til Obama ran, and either they really didn't know what one or both stood for, or agreed enough with both etc etc. But many said that they chose to go with Obama simply because he's black and they wanna see one of their own, one discriminated against, win. Here's the thing. Men mistreat women, no matter the race. Look at the abuses heaped upon women (not all men of course so don't start, cuz the numbers of women who suffer at hands of men are gigantic, and tho every man may not mistreat women, every woman will likely, at some point, be mistreated by men, sometimes violently = rape, domestic abuse, murder by a man they loved...) I think I messed that sentence structure up but I don't care so know I know, but my mind is working MUCH faster than my fingers.
AND as for histories of discriminations, WOMEN HEAR THIS: 5 years after slavery ended, black males won the right to vote (even as slaves, males always had a vote that counted 3/5 - unfair but better than women, who had none, no matter their color). It took another 50 years - FIFTY YEARS - before women whon the right to vote. Read up on womens' sufferage - lots of women were beaten, raped, and murdered by men for demanding the right. So today we follow the same pattern, evidently. Now we've finally elected the first president that isn't white, will it take another 50 years before a woman is elected? I wouldn't doubt it. Look at these numbers now:
Psychology today had an article about this nation's refusal to elect atheists, and various other religions, and it went ahead and did a poll asking who Americans refuse to vote for.
53% refuse to vote for atheists
43% refuse to vote for gays (their terminology not mine so write them if you don't approve - I know several homosexuals and each of them are offended by different words, but they all know me and know I don't discriminate so I don't get yelled at for anything as such)
42% won't vote for anyone over age 72
24% won't vote for Mormons
12% refuse to vote for Hispanics
11% won't vote for women
7% wont vote for Jews
5% won't vote for blacks
4% won't vote for Catholics
So maybe this will help some of us who have been under false ideas about who discriminates against what groups most and who is most discriminated against, etc etc, can see some better hint of the truth here. Hopefully it'll make some members of the above groups feel better to know nowhere near as much of the world is against them as they thought. If it angers anyone that the numbers are lower than they believed, they need to examine the reasons for that. No there shouldn't be any discrimination, but there IS, and always will be - if not against race, or sex, or religion, then against weight, ppl who wear glasses, who dress to wildly or consevatively, - humans are a very judgemental and hateful group, and almost always the reason for such is that looking down on others makes humans feel bigger, and anyone who says they don't judge harshly nor discriminate against any group at all - you're lying to others, or to yourself, or you are one of a handful of ppl from all places and all times who sit firmly in the company of ppl such as Mother Teresa,

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Please share your opinions in a mature manner, and keep it clean. If you're angry, express it, but don't go off on a tangent and rage. If you disagree, do so respectfully, without personal assault on another commentor (or me - if you don't like me, don't read me). Rant against government reps/public figures if you wish, but keep it legitimate and relevant. No racial/sexual/religious etc etc slurs - ie no discrimination against a group in general (except, for example, Congress, big media, etc). Within respectable boundaries, I really do appreciate your comments and welcome differing points of view. The entire point is to see all sides, all our options, and try to wade through the deceptions and bullcrap in general, and decide for ourselves what is true so we are making informed and intelligent decisions.