Friday, August 21, 2009


Use these to check up on your elected representatives, to see if and when they are doing their job by actually representing the people who elected them, or not, and to see what they are doing with your tax dollars. And when you don't like what they are doing, the laws they're passing then contact your reps and tell them. Tell them often. The only thing that will make them do right is to let them know that you are watching, you will hold them accountible. The most important thing to them is getting elected, and if they think they won't because too many people are unhappy with their performance, they will change or else don't elect them. They've gotten away with too much for too long but if we start watching them and holding them accountable, they will straighten up or we'll elect someone who will. Anyhow I didn't mean to start a rant, just to give you this info, and I'm on the phone while doing this so I probably repeated myself and sound goofy. So here's the info:

NOTE: There would be lots of repetition if I list the entire name of all these, so remember, each one is a committee, and the name will go someting like "The Committee on Foreign Affairs" or "the Ways an d Means Committee",in case you wanna Google orBing or need it for whatever reason. OK, the info NOW:

Committee on:
Appropriations Committee
Committee on Armed Services [don't have the website, but I'm seeing a pattern here so I'd try www.armed first, or just Google it, or

WAIT. Changed my mind. I knw its a sloppy post but I've deleted it n started over twice already n I'm impatient today, moreso than usual even. So I'm gonna leave this up and take a different route for the rest.
YOu see above you examples of how to go directly to the committees, and can use them if you want. I'm gonna back up n talk about the website for the HOuse.
All of the links for all of the committees can be found on the home page of the House of Representatives website, at

Besides the committees, you will also find links to the leaders of each committee, other House organizations, and ALL of the elected representatives (including yours - and if unsure who is your Rep, you can find out here)
You'll find what is currently on the House floor, not only for this week, but also see the 2009 calendar. You can find voting information, find a bill, amendment, or debate. And you can access the laws of the United States, and see what they have done to us. I keep wondering, at what point will we have enough laws to follow? Is there not a time place reason, something, for someone to stand up and say, "We have passed laws on EVERYTHING and there are no more to make. What, will they begin to pass laws on what color people are allowed to paint their houses (some colors may offend the majority of the neighbors), or on how much coffee we're allowed to buy per month? What? When cometh the end? I forget at the moment who said it, but its absolutely true, and goes something like: "That government is best which governs the least". {I was gonna do some quotes soon, and I'll try to remember to look this one up and correct it and give it correct attribution.}
Anyway, the site will also tell you how it all works - that is, how laws are made and enacted.

Branch Agencies

More government links »

Washington, D.C.

Now I'll give you a list of the various committees of the House of Reps.
I'd imagine that your average American knows some of them, but that there are committees most don't know about, and might be interested in if they did know of them. Check up on those you care about, see what your reps are doing, hold them accountable and let 'em know, WE ARE PAYING ATTENTION, because we have learned as the People that we MUST, and cannot trust our Reps to do what they KNOW we want them to.

Committee on: Agriculture Appropriations Armed Services
the Budget Education and Labor Energy and Commerce
Financial Services Foreign Affairs Homeland Security
House Administration the Judiciary Natural Resources Rules
Oversight and Reform Science and Technology Small Business
Standards of Official Conduct Transportation and Infrastructure
Veteran's Affairs Ways and Means Joint Economic Committee
Joint Committee on Printing {?} Joint Committee on Taxation
House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence

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Please share your opinions in a mature manner, and keep it clean. If you're angry, express it, but don't go off on a tangent and rage. If you disagree, do so respectfully, without personal assault on another commentor (or me - if you don't like me, don't read me). Rant against government reps/public figures if you wish, but keep it legitimate and relevant. No racial/sexual/religious etc etc slurs - ie no discrimination against a group in general (except, for example, Congress, big media, etc). Within respectable boundaries, I really do appreciate your comments and welcome differing points of view. The entire point is to see all sides, all our options, and try to wade through the deceptions and bullcrap in general, and decide for ourselves what is true so we are making informed and intelligent decisions.